Monday 20 October 2014

my best friend

Last week in KL, my best friend Diana threw a birthday party for her child. My bestfriend and I have been close since we were babies as our parents were family friends. Since we didn't have any sisters, we treat each other like sisters. I still remember she used to sleep over at my house when we were small. She even slept in my parents bedroom with me that's how comfortable she was in my family.

Us on my wedding day

Like sisters, we get into fights too. But we can't stand be angry with each other for a long time. Give us few hours and we'll be playing again with no hard feelings. But at 8 years old, she told me her father wanted to send her to her grandmother in Kedah. I was devastated. After she left, we wrote to each other quite often. At that time, it was really expensive to make interstate phone calls. I still remember getting scolded for making long phone calls which accelerated our phone bill. Hence, we resorted to writing letters to each other. We never failed to keep in touch and tell each other what's happening in our lives. Sometimes we just rant to each other with no real updates. And mailing a letter to her would only cost 20 cents. And I always had to walk about 10 minutes from my house to the nearest post box so I can drop the letter off.

Fast forward 20 years later, both of us are married and had to do the long distance thing again. Thank god for the technology, now we can message and make free phone calls every day. It feels nice to be able to see her child grow up through my phone and see how blessed my best friend is with her little family. The only thing I regret is not to be able to attend her very first birthday party last week. And I'm sure I'm going to miss many more birthdays in the years to come.

On the bright side of things, hey, at least you get to visit me here in Australia right. I'm still hoping for Saffiya to play with my future kids (God willing) or maybe become a big sister to them. Nevertheless, even though I'm far away, just know Aunty Sarah is just a 'Whatsapp' away. Hope to see and play with you next year when I go back for holidays Fiya.. :)

Saffiya with her presents. Envy much? I know I am


  1. Its so great to have friends that feel like family. Great pics, you girls look so pretty!


    1. She's the only one that sticks around through good and bad times. I kinda glad I have her. Thanks Sarah, love your blog btw :)

  2. oh wow what a sweet post darling! It is hard to keep a friendship strong even when living close so it def took a lot of effort from both of you to stay in touch all these years! I have a similar story with my friend Emily from Peru. Even though we grew up together and lived pretty close until we reached the age of 19. It has been seven years since I left my country of origin and she stayed there but we still talk everyday! As well through wassap and Skype :) seriously, technology is awesome! lol
    Anyways! thanks for sharing such a touching story and I hope you guys can spend more time together in the near future!
    I'm also following you on G+ and I plan on not missing any of your posts!


    1. Thanks Milu!! That was a melancholy moment when I wrote it. Feeling a bit lonely but I'm so glad I created this blog. I'm making more new friends here. Give me few months I'll be like "who's diana?" (Diana: haha joking babe!! :P) Owhh so you're from Peru!! That is so awesome! I've added you in G+ too love your outfit photos!
